This past weekend, my daughter and I spent over four hours in the emergency room of the local hospital after she had an accident with a longboard (that's a long skateboard). She crashed in the street and needed x-rays and some TLC to many cuts, scrapes and bruises all over her feet and legs. You see, she was wearing flip flops!!! ...on a skateboard!!! ...going down a hill!!! ...not a wise decision! So, we chalk it up to a life lesson and move on. Did I mention I have to get up earlier everyday now to change all her bandages and drive her to school. The way I see it is that it's what we do as mothers and I love when she lets me take care of her, but I hate to see her in so much pain. She didn't get to go kayaking the next day either, so she was really bummed!
Back to the project! In the process of injuring herself, my lovely daughter chipped up her beautiful pedicure which she just had done last week when I treated her to join me when I used my Mother's Day gift certificate, so I thought it would cheer her up to get a little gifty. However, I forgot to take a picture of the present inside before I wrapped it up in a bow, so you'll just have to trust me. I tucked away a few new toe polishes and a certificate for a new pedicure! That should make her happy and feel good after all the sores have healed!
Here's what I used...old and new...for my project:
New: Trendy Turtle Template (shell only)
Old: Blooming with Elegance Papers
Old: Spring Is Here (sentiment)
The whole Design Team is sharing something special today too! Check out...
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

Gorgeous creations!! Just love the colors you chose!!